About This Content The famous Stonemarket First Bank is known to be unbreachable…but not to all. As the Master Thief, infiltrate the City’s most secure location to retrieve the coveted Hudnall family’s necklace an item all local thieves are desperate to get their hands on. None so far have managed to snatch it…Will you be able to outsmart the Bank’s security to steal this rare artifact? Unlock the gates to the Bank Test your thieving skills in this heavily guarded and treacherous place. Outsmart security measures found exclusively in this mission Search for the Bank’s unique loot and many other secrets! A true homage to the Bank mission in Thief II: The Metal Age. 6d5b4406ea Title: THIEF: The Bank HeistGenre: Action, Adventure, RPGDeveloper:Eidos-Montréal, Feral Interactive (Mac)Publisher:Square Enix, Feral Interactive (Mac)Franchise:ThiefRelease Date: 7 Mar, 2014 THIEF: The Bank Heist Download For Pc [portable] thief bank heist second collectible. thief bank heist all collectibles. thief game the bank heist. thief bank heist disable cameras. thief bank heist mission. thief the bank heist dlc. thief bank heist find and smash the vase. how to play the bank heist in thief. thief bank heist edition. thief ps4 bank heist vault. thief the bank heist review. thief 4 bank heist won't start. thief bank heist unique loot. thief bank heist without wire cutters. thief bank heist all collectibles. thief the bank heist code. thief the bank heist all loot. thief the bank heist cameras. thief bank heist mission. thief ps4 bank heist walkthrough. thief bank heist how to open vault. thief the bank heist. thief the bank heist cameras. thief the bank heist all loot. thief bank heist start location. thief the bank heist collectibles. thief 4 bank heist walkthrough. thief 4 bank heist vault combination. thief game bank heist collectibles. thief bank heist documents. thief 4 bank heist vault combination. thief bank heist loot 2/2. thief bank heist how to start. thief ps4 bank heist vault. thief game the bank heist. thief bank heist vault walkthrough. thief bank heist xbox one. thief bank heist main vault. thief bank heist documents. thief bank heist gas. thief bank heist disable cameras. thief bank heist ps4 review. thief bank heist vase. thief the bank heist combination. thief bank heist unique loot. thief bank heist can't enter. thief bank heist worth it. thief bank heist traps. thief the bank heist collectibles. thief bank heist vault puzzle. thief 4 bank heist vault. how to play the bank heist in thief. thief the bank heist loot. thief bank heist turn off cameras. thief bank heist levers. thief bank heist ps4 review. thief 4 bank heist walkthrough. thief the bank heist walkthrough. thief the bank heist loot. thief bank heist vault puzzle. thief bank heist start location. thief the bank heist. thief the bank heist vault combination. thief bank heist vault handprints. thief bank heist loot list. thief 4 bank heist vault. thief bank heist missing desk. thief bank heist safe combination. thief bank heist walkthrough ign. thief bank heist loot list. thief bank heist worth it. thief bank heist how to open vault. thief ps4 the bank heist. thief bank heist second collectible. thief game bank heist collectibles. thief the bank heist dlc. thief the bank heist vault combination. thief bank heist vault levers. thief the bank heist combination. thief bank heist vase. thief bank heist vase location. thief 4 the bank heist. thief ps4 bank heist code. thief bank heist missing desk. thief 4 bank heist collectibles. thief bank heist find and smash the vase. thief bank heist edition. thief bank heist location. thief bank heist location. thief bank heist can't enter. thief bank heist traps. thief bank heist levers. thief bank heist walkthrough ign. thief bank heist missing loot Wow! Awesome Heist!!!. Really? Are you kiddin me right now? So here is the thing: Thief (2014) is not a good game but I thought: ehi, maybe the dlc isn't so bad. I mean, it's the Bank Heist from thief II basically. What could possibly go wr- It's terrible. It's just terrible.First of all it's short. 4 pounds for 10 minutes of gameplay (if you really want to stretch it out though) isn't acceptable. The map is small, incredibly simple and the level itself is the easiest of the game!This is just ritardation in dlc form, I don't know what to say. It should be a reference to the Bank Heist in Thief II but it just looks so much like a \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 knockoff It's almost hilarious.You don't even get a cut scene, a story of some sort. You get 2 collectibles (everyone's favourites), a dozen of documents that you wont read anyway and 2 maybe 3 new lines of dialogue? Let's just say it: this dlc was just a lazy way to justify pre-orders. Stop pre-ordering games.. Thief Bank Heist: The length of this can vary from half an hour to couple of hours based on ur gameplay & exploring interests.Well you have to break in the bank dodging camera & enemies hiding in dark & loot a valuable object in a huge vault with higher security then any other level in tha game.If u want a full thief experience I recommend you to buy this on sale at 90% off which hardly costs anything. You'll have a fun time.Personal score: 7\/10. great challenge to see if you can find a way in and out without stetting the alarms off. Very fun but kinda short. Buy it on sale.. Ummmmm... smallest level ever.. Pros: among the bigger and more fun Client Jobs. To an extent recreates the look and feel of the Thief II: The Metal Age level, without clashing with the rest of the game. A good amount of things to find and steal. The cameras are decently designed every step of the way. Relatively open and well-designed map.Cons: in a single one-hour methodical playthrough, you can get all the loot, the collectibles, and the bonuses: There is no randomization, so no reason to replay it once you've done so. Granted, randomization could make leaderboards unfair. But once you know the vault combination, you don't need to get it again, it never changes! Nor does the location(s) it's found in.It's hard to justify the cost. At full price, when I submit this review, one could purchase the entirety of the second game for a mere additional 2\u20ac. My initial, methodical playthrough of that took me 40 and a half hours. Even if you love Thief 2014, Thief II is superior in almost every way. It just requires you to adjust your expectations to late 90s gaming instead of mid-2010s.I guess what I'm saying is, if you badly want to play this DLC, make sure you *really* enjoy Thief 2014, and make sure to get it on sale.. The Bank Heist is a side mission that was a pre-order bonus. It didn't take long for it to become available as DLC.It's about as much of a size as a client job. Sadly, it doesn't feel too special. It's not the hardest mission, quite medium. What a shame. Not that big either.It does have cameras that weren't anywhere in the game. Would have looked silly if bank used dogs in cage, aha. And crows.Some nice documents and two collectables. No, they aren't shown in clocktower. And yea, you get newspaper in a clock tower that explains what you want from bank.Still, it's a nice content to add to the game. You probably gonna get whole bundle of Thief on one of their huge sales anyway.. dont buy this at full price, its fun but i would rather buy horse armor at full price. Got this in a bundle on Sale. I played this is on Master, and i'm pretty\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665and impatient in stealth games. This was a good mission, but hardly worth the money. You can easily stealth past the guards outside, get in, stealth past two people walkig in a simple, set path. Avoid the cameras which is pretty easily done. Loot the code, get inside the vault, figure out the puzzle of it, which is easy using focus, get the neclace, get out. Managed to ghost is unseen. Longer than a client mission, shorter than a story mission. Get it in a bundle if it's on sale, but otherwise don't get it.